Quick Start
less than a minute
Quickstart Guide
This quickstart guide will help you install the Orchestrator using the Helm-based operator and execute a sample workflow through the Red Hat Developer Hub orchestrator plugin UI.
Install Orchestrator: Follow the installation instructions for Orchestrator.
Install a sample workflow: Follow the installation instructions for the greetings workflow.
Access Red Hat Developer Hub: Open your web browser and navigate to the Red Hat Developer Hub application. Retrieve the URL using the following OpenShift CLI command.
oc get route backstage-backstage -n rhdh-operator -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}'
Make sure the route is accessible to you locally.
Login to Backstage Login to Backstage with the Guest account.
Navigate to Orchestrator: Navigate to the Orchestrator page by clicking on the Orchestrator icon in the left navigation menu.
Execute Greeting Workflow: Click on the ‘Execute’ button in the ACTIONS column of the Greeting workflow. The ‘Run workflow’ page will open. Click ‘Next step’ and then ‘Run’
Monitor Workflow Status: Wait for the status of the Greeting workflow execution to become Completed. This may take a moment.
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