Basic Assessment


The assessment common use case is to assess inputs (ie: a link to their project code and/or an application identifying code), and based on a logic determined by the enterprise returns a list of infrastructure workflows.

A workflow of type assessment is then a workflow that performs some checks on user’s input(s) and then recommends suitable workflows of type infrastucture (aka workflow options) for the next step.


The goal in these examples is to show how an assessment workflow can be implemented:

  • using jq expression convenient for simple use cases:
    • where the assessment logic in order to return suitable workflow options is implemented in the workflow definition.
  • using custom java code convenient for complex use cases:
    • where the assessment logic in order to return suitable workflow options is implemented java classes.
  • using knative function convenient for complex use cases where efficiency and scalability matter more:
    • where the assessment logic in order to return suitable workflow options is implemented a kn functions invoked via REST call.


An assessment flow usually consists of:

  • Start
    • get the user’s input(s)
  • Assessment
    • perform the desired check or evaluation against the user’s input(s)
    • return suitable infrastructure workflow options
  • Precheck
    • validate whether the workflows in the returned assessment options exist
    • if there are non-existed workflows in the options, then remove them from the options and output the remaining valid ones
  • End

Note: the workflow options must be an object with six fields: currentVersion, upgradeOptions, migrateOptions, newOptions, continuationOptions, otherOptions. See workflow-option-output-schema.json file definied the data output schema of an assessment workflow in each example.

Last modified March 28, 2024: Update remoteMD url (b9930e6)